Rinconsito foundation
Every time we have opened a new location in this beautiful state of Washington, the neighbors in each community have welcome us with open arms, very hungry crowds with curiosity and excitement join us in our grand apertures. Over time new customers become loyal and dear customers and friends as our personnel and customers establish enduring and caring connections making each one of our locations a place for all to enjoy while we serve our popular menu with the most care and prompt service.
We feel a deep gratitude and connection for each community we have become a part of. And when someone has been in need, hit by tragedy such as natural disasters that affect portions of our population, their families abroad or other causes El Rinconsito Inc. and it’s partners, El Antojo®, Taquería El Sazón, El Mirador de Pasco, Antojo Mexican Grill, Don Carbón, Abraguz® and all our personnel have stepped up to action by fundraising, donating food & goods or sponsoring projects that benefit schools, hospitals, shelters and individuals.
That is why in 2022 we have decided that our cooperative efforts, our interest in helping and the desire to give back to our precious communities should have a name and so the Rinconsito Foundation is born!
Brindando una Mano Amiga,
means Offering a Helping Hand
and these words are the soul of our vision:
To bring comfort and assistance to those in need, in our neighboring communities and anywhere we think our help could make a difference by engaging our personnel, customers and friends, organizing fundraisers, partnering with churches, schools, community agencies, charities and individuals we assist with:
– Natural disasters emergency funds
– Alleviating economic uncertainties for impoverished or tragedy struck individuals
– Medical relief funds for those in need
– Funding pursuing educational programs and scholarships for deserving individuals
The values that guide us are
Compassion as the fuel of our efforts to give back, celebrating diversity, equity and inclusion of all in need
Quality that out stands in food, our service and the way we care for others
Independence on who we help and who we partnered with to avoid favoritism and to extend the reach of our Foundation
Efficacy to achieve in a timely and organized manner established and clear goals
Transparency in our programs and actions to be trustworthy of the confidence of all
Share your helping hand, let’s work together to achieve our common goals
Need of a helping hand? Write to us and let us know how we can assist.